
Assessing reservoir performance for geologic carbon sequestration in offshore saline reservoirs, Koehn, L.W., Romans, B.W., & Pollyea, R.M. Energy Advances, 2023, Issue 12.
First-order CO2 trapping characteristics of fold-and-thrust belts: Assessing carbon storage potential in the Appalachian Basin and beyond, Koehn, L.W., Prince, P., Godbey, W., Verne, M., Fowler, N., McCrady, P., & Pollyea, R.M.. The Leading Edge, 24 Aug 2023.
Traditional kriging versus modern Gaussian processes for large-scale mining data. Christianson, R.B., Pollyea, R.M., & Gramacy, R.B., Statistical Analysis & Data Mining, 2023, Vol. 16, p. 488–506, July.
Modified design of pillar based on estimated stresses and strength of pillar in an underground limestone mine, Soni, A., Monsalve, J., Bishop, R., Ripepi, N., Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2023.
Stochastic Continuous Modeling for Pillar Stress Estimation and Comparison with 2D Numerical, and Analytical Solutions in an Underground Stone Mine. Monsalve, J.J., Soni, A., Karfakis, M., Hazzard, J. and N. Ripepi, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2022, 39, 1917–1937.
Estimating Strength of Pillars with Karst Voids in a Room-and-Pillar Limestone Mine. Soni, A., Monsalve, J., Bishop, R., Ripepi, N., Baggett, J., Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration. 2022.
Reservoir processes and global practices in geologic carbon sequestration. Vishal, V., Pradhan, S.P., Krishnamoorti, R., Pollyea, R.M., & A.K., Singh. Frontiers in Climate, April 2022.
Applications and Development of Intelligent UAVs for the Resource Industries, Bishop, R., 321 pages. [PhD dissertation] Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. March 24, 2022.
Experimental investigation of non-monotonic fracture conductivity evolution in energy georeservoirs, Li, Z., Zhao, Q., Teng, Y., Fan, M., Ripepi, N., Yin, X. and C. Chen, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, Volume 211, 110103, ISSN 0920- 4105.
A Novel Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Multi-Porosity Shale Transport Model for Geomechanics/Flow Coupling in Steady and Transient States, Li, Z., Fan, M., Teng, Y., Ripepi, N. and C. Chen. SPE Journal, 2022, 27 (01), 452-464.
Analysis of Pillar Strength and Design in a Karst- Affected Underground Stone Mine. Soni, A., Monsalve, J., and N. Ripepi. 56th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 2022. doi.
Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Lower Huron Shale as a Heterogeneous Material. Fan, M., Han, Y., Tan, X., Fan, L., Gilliland, E., Ripepi, N. and C. Cheng. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54, 4183–4200.
Automated Discontinuity Extraction Software versus Manual Virtual Discontinuity Mapping: Performance Evaluation in Rock Mass Characterization and Rockfall Hazard Identification, Monsalve, J., Pfreundschuh, A., Soni, A. and N. Ripepi, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, 2021, 38, pages1383–1394.
Radar Imaging of Fractures and Voids behind the Walls of an Underground Mine, Baghbadorani, A., Baggett, J., Hole, J. and N. Ripepi, Geophysics, 2021, 86 (4): H27–H41.
Kerogen Nanoscale Structure and CO2 Adsorption in Shale Micropores, Gonciaruk, A., Hall, M., Fay, M., Parmenter, C., Vane, C., Khlobystov, A. and N. Ripepi, Scientific Reports, 2021.
Integrated Experimental Characterization of Shales of Varying Thermal Maturation in the Central Appalachian Basin Using Raman and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy, Energy & Fuels, Tan, X., Gilliland, E., Tang. X. and N. Ripepi, 2021, 35, 1, 201–212.
Investigation of the Conductivity of a Proppant Mixture Using an Experiment/Simulation- integrated Approach, Fan, M., Han, Y., Gu, M., McClure, M., Ripepi, N., Westman, E. and C. Cheng, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2020, Volume 78, 103234, ISSN 1875-5100.
Sensitivity and History Match Analysis of a Carbon Dioxide "Huff-and-Puff" Injection Test in a Horizontal Shale Gas Well in Tennessee, Keles, C., Tang X., Schlosser, C., Louk, A., and N. Ripepi, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2020, Volume 77, 2020, 103226, ISSN 1875-5100.
Using Pressure Pulse Decay Experiments and a Novel Multi- physics Shale Transport Model to Study the Role of Klinkenberg Effect and Effective Stress on the Apparent Permeability of Shales, Li, Z., Ripepi, N. and C. Chen, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020,107010, ISSN 0920-4105.
Applications of Close-Range Terrestrial 3D Photogrammetry to Improve Safety in Underground Stone Mines. Bishop, R., 196 pages. [Master’s thesis] Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. May 22, 2020.
Ground- Penetrating Radar for Karst Detection in Underground Stone Mines. Baggett, J., Abbasi, A., Monsalve, J., Bishop, R., Ripepi, N., & Hole, J. (2020): Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 37, 153–165.
A Preliminary Investigation on Stochastic Discrete Element Modeling for Pillar Strength Determination in Underground Limestone Mines from a Probabilistic Risk Analysis Approach, Monsalve, J., Soni, A., Ripepi, N. and A. Rodriguez-Marek, 39th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, July 2020, Morgantown, WV. Proceedings.
New perspectives on supercritical methane adsorption in shales and associated thermodynamics, Tang, X., Ripepi, N., Rigby, S., Mokaya, R. and *E. Gilliland, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Volume 78, 2019, Pages 186-197, ISSN 1226-086X.
Comprehensive study of the interactions between the critical dimensionless numbers associated with multiphase flow in 3D porous media, Fan, M., Dalton, L., McClure, J., Han, Y., Ripepi, N., Westman, E., Crandall, D., and C. Chen, Fuel, 2019.
Using an Experiment/Simulation-integrated Approach to Investigate Fracture Conductivity Evolution and Non-Darcy Flow in a Proppant-supported Hydraulic Fracture, Fan, M., McClure, J., Han, Y., Ripepi, N., Westman, E., Gu, M. and C. Chen, SPE Journal, 2019.
Sensitivity Analysis of Reservoir Conditions and Gas Production Mechanism in Deep Coal Seams in Buchanan County, Keles, C., *Vasilikou, F., Ripepi, N., Agioutantis, Z. and M. Karmis, Virginia, 2019, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 94, 2019, Pages 31-42, ISSN 1569-190X.
Application of Laser Scanning for Rock Mass Characterization & Discrete Fracture Network Generation in an Underground Limestone Mine. Monsalve, J., Baggett, J., Bishop, R., & Ripepi, N., International Journal of Mining Science & Technology, 2019, 29, 131-137.
In Situ Logs of Gas Composition of CO2- ECBM Trial in Buchanan Co. VA with Downhole Reservoir Raman System, Myers, G., Cookman, A. and N. Ripepi, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Denver, Colorado, 22–24 July 2019, Proceedings.
Combining Discrete Element Method with Lattice Boltzmann Modeling to Advance the Understanding of the Performance of Proppant Mixtures. Fan, M., Han, Y., Gu, M., McClure, J. , Ripepi, N. , Westman, E. and C. Chen. 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, New York City, New York, June 2019. Proceedings.
Comprehensive Laboratory Investigation and Model Fitting of Klinkenberg Effect and Its Role on Apparent Permeability in Various U.S. Shale Formations, Li, Z., Ripepi, N. and C. Cheng, 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, New York City, New York, June 2019. Proceedings.
Stability Analysis of an Underground Limestone Mine Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning with Stochastic Discrete Element Modeling, Monsalve, J., Baggett, J., Soni, A., Ripepi, N. and J. Hazzard, 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, New York City, New York, June 2019. Proceedings.
A Comparison of Laser Scanning & Photogrammetry in an Underground Limestone Mine. Bishop, R., Monsalve, J., Baggett, J., Soni, A., & Ripepi, N., SME Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. February 26, 2019, Proceedings.
Investigating the Impact of Proppant Embedment and Compaction on Fracture Conductivity Using a Continuum Mechanics, DEM, and LBM Coupled Approach. Fan, M., Han, Y., McClure, J., Westman, E., Ripepi, N. and C. Chen. 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle, Washington, June 2018. ARMA-2018-357. Proceedings.
A Novel Method for Gas–Water Relative Permeability Measurement of Coal Using NMR Relaxation, Sun, X., Yao, Y., Ripepi, N. and Liu, D., Transport in Porous Media, 2018, 124: 73.
A Preliminary Investigation for Characterization and Modeling of Structurally Controlled Underground Limestone Mines by Integrating Laser Scanning with Discrete Element Modeling, Monsalve, J., Baggett, J., Bishop, R. and N. Ripepi, North American Tunneling Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 24-27 June 2018. Proceedings.
Central Appalachian Basin Unconventional (Coal/Organic Shale) Reservoir Small Scale CO2 Injection Test. Karmis, Michael, Ripepi, Nino, Gilliland, Ellen, Louk, Andrew, Tang, Xu, Keles, Cigdem, Schlosser, Charles, Diminick, Ed, McClure, Michael, Hill, Gerald, and Hill, Brian. United States: N. p., 2018.
Risk Management: Adapting Riskgate for Underground Coal Mines In The United States
E. C. Jong; K. D. Luxbacher; P. A. Kirsch; R. Mitra; B. K. Hebblewhite; S. J. Schafrik; B. N. Conley 2015 SME Annual Meeting, SME Preprint 15_057.
A Preliminary Evaluations of A Through-The-Earth (TTE) Communications System at an Underground Coal Mine In Eastern Kentucky
E. C. Jong; S. J. Schafrik; E. S. Gilliland; C. J. Weiss 2015 SME Annual Meeting, SME Preprint 15_012.
Barriers and Incentives: The Application Of Comprehensive Risk Management In The US Underground Coal Mining Industry
J. Restrepo; K. Luxbacher; N. Ripepi; S. Schafrik; P. Kirsch; M. Shi; R. Mitra; B. Hebblewhite 2015 SME Annual Meeting, SME Preprint 15-059.
Underground coal mine tracking and communication system reliability and availability methodology
Wisniewski, R.; Schafrik, S. Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, 2014, Vol. 336, No. 1, pp. 426-434
Geolocation for underground coal mining applications: Classification of systems
Schafrik, S. J.; Dietrich, C.; Harwood, C. Mining Engineering, 2014, Vol. 66, No. 4, pp. 22ff
Underground Coal Mine Tracking and Communication System Reliability and Availability Methodology
R. Wisniewski; S. Schafrik 2014 SME Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, SME Preprint 14-026
Development of a remote analysis method for underground ventilation systems using tracer gas and CFD in a simplified laboratory apparatus
Xu, G., Luxbacher, K.,Ragab, S., Schafrik S. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, TUST1481.
Passive seismic tomography for three-dimensional time-lapse imaging of mining-induced rock mass changes
E. Westman, K. Luxbacher and S. Schafrik The Leading Edge March 2012 v. 31 no. 3 p. 338-345
Underground Coal Gasification and Potential for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction
Hyder, Z., Ripepi, N., and M. Karmis Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 7-9 February 2012, CMTC 151155-PP.
Evaluation of Large-Scale Geologic Carbon Sequestration Potential in the Virginia Piedmont and Coastal Plain
Roth, B., Hernon, K., Lassetter, W., and N. Ripepi Carbon Management Technology Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 7-9 February 2012, CMTC 151252-PP.
Evaluation of Underground Coal Mine Communication and Tracking Systems
C. Harwood, S. Schafrik, M. Karmis, K. Luxbacher and S. David Second International Future Mining Conference 2011, AusIMM Conferences, 22-23 November 2011, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, pp 41-45.
Development of a remote analysis method for underground ventilation systems using tracer gas and CFD in a simplified laboratory apparatus
Xu, G., Luxbacher, K.,Ragab, S., Schafrik S. Tunnelling andences, 22-23 November 2011, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, pp 41-45. hH|Jof Proceedings, Paper # 29-3.vtC Rupp, J., Sminchak, J., Smith, S., Sorensen, J., Steadm
Seal evaluation and confinement screening criteria for beneficial carbon dioxide storage with enhanced coal bed methane recovery in the Pocahontas Basin, Virginia
Grimm, Ryan P., Eriksson, Kenneth A., Ripepi, Nino, Eble, Cortland, Greb, Stephen F., International Journal of Coal Geology (2011), doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2011.11.002
Assessment of Coal Mine Methane: Modeling of Capture Strategies
Keim, S., Ripepi, N., Luxbacher, K., and M. Karmis, 22nd World Mining Congress & EXPO, 11-16 September 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
Underground Coal Gasification in the Central Appalachian Basin, USA: Resource Assessment
Hyder, Z., Ripepi, N., Karmis, M., and B. Roth 22nd World Mining Congress & EXPO, 11-16 September 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
Expanding the Limitations of the mfire Simulation Model
S.J. Schafrik, R. Ruckman 2011 SME Annual Meeting, SME Preprint 11-071.
Wireless Mesh Communication Systems Optimization in Underground Coal
S.J. Schafrik, M.K. Luxbacher, M. Karmis 2011 SME Annual Meeting, SME Preprint 11-106.
Simulation and Modeling of Pillar Stability and Analysis Of Safety Factor
Z. Hyder, Z. Ali, M. Akram, E. Westman, M. Karmis 2011 SME Annual Meeting, SME Preprint 11-020.
Double-Difference Tomography for Imaging the Progression of a Block Cave
Westman, E., Luxbacher, M.K., Schafrik, S., Beck, D. SME Annual Meeting 2011
Enhanced Gas Recovery and CO2 Storage in Coal Bed Methane Reservoirs: Optimized Injected Gas Composition for Mature Basins of Various Coal Rank
Schepers, K., Oudinot, A., and N. Ripepi SPE International Conference on CO2 Capture, Storage, and Utilization, New Orleans, LA, USA, 10-12 November 2010. SPE 139723.
Designing and Modeling Wireless Mesh Communications In Underground Coal Mines
K.R. Griffin, S. J. Schafrik, M. Karmis. 2010 SME Annual Meeting, SME Preprint 10-066. Also Mining Engineering, June 2010.
Design Parameters and Visualization Techniques for Mine Seals in Underground Coal Mining
S.J. Schafrik, S.A. Richards. 2010 SME Annual Meeting.
Virtual Environments for Surface Mining Powered Haulage Training
R.P. McMahan, S.J. Schafrik, D.A. Bowman, M.E. Karmis 100 Years of Mining Research Symposium, 2010 SME Annual Meeting.
Decreased Carbon Footprint Through Effective Coal Degasification
S. Keim, K. Luxbacher, M. Karmis. 2010 SME Annual Meeting, SME Preprint 10-090.
Results from the Central Appalachian Basin Field Verification Test in Coal Seams
Ripepi, N., Karmis, M., Miskovic, I., Shea C., and J.M. Conrad, 26th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2009. CD-ROM of Proceedings, Paper # 33-4.
Methodology for Development of Geologic Storage Estimates for Carbon Dioxide
Bachu, S., Bowen, D., Carr, T., Coombs, M.J., Damiani, D., Deel, D., Dobroskok, A., Frailey, S., Goodman, A., Hovorka, S., Koperna, G., Korose, C., Litynski, J. McLing, T., McNemar, A., Myer, L., Pashin, J., Peck, W., Reeves, S., Riestenberg, D., Ripepi, N., Rupp, J., Sminchak, J., Smith, S., Sorensen, J., Steadman, E., Stevens, S., Thomas, S., Young, G. Appendix B in 2008 Carbon Sequestration Atlas of the United States and Canada, 2nd edition. p. 118-132.
Improving Mining Health and Safety Through Conveyor System Training in a Virtual Environment
Lucas J., McMahan R.P., Engle R., Bowman D.A., Thabet W.Y., Schafrik S., Karmis M First International Future Mining Conference, pp. 161-166, 2008
Virtual Environment Training for Preshift Inspection of Haul Trucks to Improve Mining Safety
McMahan R.P., Bowman D.A., Schafrik S., Karmis M., First International Future Mining Conference, pp. 167-173, 2008.
CO2 Sequestration in Unminable Coal Seams: Characterization, Modeling, Assessment and Testing of Sinks in Central Appalachia
Karmis, M., Ripepi, N., Miskovic, I., Conrad, M., Miller, M., and C. Shea. Twenty-Fifth Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2008. CD-ROM of Proceedings, Paper # 29-3.
Enhancing Mine Subsidence Prediction and Control Methodologies
M. Karmis, Z. Agioutantis, K. Andrews. 27th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, July 29-31, 2008, Morgantown, WV, pp. 131-136.
A VR-based training program for conveyor belt safety
Lucas, Jason, W. Thabet, and P. Worlikar. (2008). Journal of Information Technology in Construction. pp. 381-407
Potential for Carbon Sequestration in the Central Appalachian Basin
J. M. Conrad, M. J. Miller, N. Ripepi. Air and Waste Management Association Conference, 2007, Paper # 187.
Integrating sustainability in coal mining operations
J. Craynon, M. Karmis. Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development Indicators in the Minerals Industry, June 17-20 2007, Milos Island, Greece
A process for stakeholder education and engagement in sustainable energy: The carbon sequestration case
M. Karmis, N. Ripepi, M. Radcliffe, B. Altizer. Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development Indicators in the Minerals Industry, June 17-20 2007, Milos Island, Greece
Characterization of Central Appalachian Basin CBM Development: Potential for Carbon Sequestration and Enhanced CBM Recovery
J. M. Conrad, M. J. Miller, J. Phillips and N. Ripepi. Proceedings, 2006 International Coalbed Methane Symposium, Preprint 0625, May 22-26, 2006, Tuscaloosa, AL.
Analysis of Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery through Carbon Sequestration in the Central Appalachian Basin
N. Ripepi, M. Karmis, J. M. Conrad and M. J. Miller. Proceedings, 2006 SME Annual Meeting, Preprint 06-058, March 27-29, 2006, St. Louis, MO.
A Study of Increased Use of Renewable Energy Resources in Virginia
Michael Karmis, editor. Contributing authors: Jason Abiecunas, Jeffrey Alwang, Stephen Aultman, Lori Bird, Paul Denholm, Donna Heimiller, Richard F. Hirsh, Anelia Milbrandt, Ryan Pletka, Gian Porro and Benjamin K. Sovacool. Prepared for the Virginia Commission on Electrical Utility Restructuring. Nov. 11, 2005. Revised Jan. 16, 2006. 108 pp.
Computer Simulation Technology and Demonstration.
S. Schafrik, M. Karmis, Z. Agioutantis, T. Henderson. Proceedings, MPES 2004, 13th International Symposium On Mine Planning & Equipment Selection, September 1-3, Wroclaw, Poland
Overview of the United States Priorities and Research Programs on Carbon Sequestration
M. Karmis and N. Ripepi. Proceedings, SWEMP 2004, Antalya, Turkey.
A Risk Analysis Subsidence Approach for the Design of Coal Refuse Impoundments Overlying Mine Workings
M. Karmis and Z. Agioutantis. Proceedings, SWEMP 2004, Antalya, Turkey.
Sustainable development of mineral resources: Improving communications using visualization techniques
S. Schafrik, M. Karmis and Z. Agioutantis. Proceedings, Sustainable Development Indicators In the Mineral Industries, Milos 2003, Greece
Methodology of Incident Recreation Using Virtual Reality
S. J. Schafrik, M. Karmis, Z. Agioutantis. 2003 SME Annual Meeting, SME Preprint 03-119. Also Mining Engineering, October 2004.
SDPS for Windows: An Application for Subsidence Prediction, Optimum Mine Design and Environmental Control.
Z. Agioutantis and M. Karmis. Proceedings, SWEMP 2002, Cagliari, Italy.
A Visualization Application for the Mining Industry Using Standard Tools
S. J. Schafrik, M. Karmis and Z. Agioutantis APCOM 2002, Phoenix AZ.
SDPS for Windows: An Integrated Approach to Ground Deformation Prediction
D. Newman, Z. Agioutantis and M. Karmis. 20th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, WVU, August 2001.
Novel, Web-Driven Continuous Simulator
S. J. Schafrik, M. Karmis, and Z. Agioutantis. SME Annual Meeting, Denver Colorado, February 2001. Also SME Transactions, 2001, Volume 310. pp. 69-74.
Coal Mining Outlook: International, National, and Virginia Trends
Michael Karmis, Preston McDowney, Nino Ripepi, Steven Schafrik, Sean Weisiger, Daniel Walton and Dennis Kostic. VCCER 00-01. 45 pp. November 2000
Executive Summary:
Coal mining serves an important role as the economic catalyst for Southwest Virginia, providing high paying jobs in an area crippled by unemployment. There are numerous support industries in existence only because of coal mining. The ripple effects of mining are experienced throughout the state. Every ton of coal mined in Virginia contributes $27.11 to Virginia's economy, while every dollar paid to a miner has a $4.64 impact on Virginia's economy. The tax credit has had a pronounced effect on coal production in Virginia. After the tax credit was enacted, the declining trend in coal production has slowed down, and the production levels are higher than projected. As a result of these higher production levels, an additional $394 million in total impact has been generated, millions in severance and income taxes have been produced, and numerous coal mining jobs have been preserved.
Underground Thin-Seam Coal Mining in Virginia
Darren Holman, Malcolm J. McPherson and Ian M. Loomis. VCCER 99-01. 44 pp. July 1999
Mountain Voices
Stephen D. Mooney. VCCER 98-02. August 1998.
North American Cross-Border Electricity Trade
Ian M. Loomis. VCCER 98-01. 29 pp. March 1998.
The Clean Air Act Acid Rain Program: Implications for Virginia's Coal Producers`
Leonard Gilroy and Carl E. Zipper. VCCER 97-01. 30 pp. May 1997.
Effects of Virginia Coalfield Employment Enhancement Tax Credit Legislation.
Carl Zipper and S. Murthy Kambhampaty. VCCER 96-01. 54 pp. March 1996.
Economic Impacts of Virginia's Natural Gas Industries.
Carl Zipper and Leonard Gilroy. VCCER 95-02. 16 pp. September 1995.
Virginia State Agency Solar System Monitoring and Evaluation: Final Technical Report.
J. Randolph. Prepared for the Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy, Virginia Division of Energy. Summer 1995.
In-State Economic Impacts of the Virginia Coal Industry and Potential Coal Production Declines.
Carl Zipper. VCCER 95-01. 30 pp. May 1995.
An Analysis of Household Water Supply Impacts by Underground Coal Mining in Virginia.
Carl Zipper, William Balfour, John Randolph, and Richard Roth. VCCER 94-02. 34 pp. May 1994.
Senate Joint Resolution No. 208: Export Plan for Virginia Coal.
Report of the Department of Economic Development. State Document No. 50, Commonwealth of Virginia. 50 pp. 1994.
Assessment of Virginia Coalfield Region Capability to Support an Electric Power Generation Industry.
Carl Zipper, Thomas K. Henritze, and John Randolph. VCCER 94-01. 50 pp. January 1994.
An Examination of Policies to Promote Greater Use of Wood Processing Industry Wastes for Fuel in State Facilities
Report of the Virginia Coal and Energy Commission. House Document No. 23, Commonwealth of Virginia. 39 pp. 1993.
A Preliminary Feasibility Study of a New Electricity Transmission Line From the Virginia Coalfield to the Virginia Power System.
Report of the Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research. House Document No. 16, Commonwealth of Virginia. 62 pp. 1992.
Evaluation of the Virginia Weatherization Program
John Randolph, Kathleen M. Greely, and William W. Hill. 216 pp. November 1991.
Virginia Energy Patterns and Trends: Virginia Energy Profiles 1960-1990. (1991 Edition.)
John Randolph, August 1991. Prepared for the Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy, Virginia Division of Energy.
Water Resources Management in Virginia and the Role of Localities
John Randolph Chapter B. Sourcebook for Local Water Resources Management, March 1991
High Extraction Mining, Subsidence, and Virginia's Water Resources.
Richard Roth, John Randolph, and Carl Zipper. 93 pp. May 1990.
Cogeneration/IPP Development in the Virginia Coalfields: Coal and Natural Gas Availability.
John Randolph, Carl Zipper, and Michael Hensley. 32 pp. May 1990.
Virginia Coal: An Abridged History.
Walter R. Hibbard. 151 pp. April 1990.
Prospects for Coalbed Methane Development in Virginia
John Randolph and Sunil Balasubrahmanyam. 44 pp. March 1990.